Taras Pisklak already crossed the Colombia, Ecuador and most of Peru. Next plans are — Chile. Now he is in the desert, 200 kilometers away from Nazca, the newspaper “Express”.
“A very long time to hunt for cheap tickets. The result was flying from Germany to Mexico, in Cancun, for 240 euros. From there to Bogota, capital of Colombia, for $ 100,” says the traveler. Ecuador, Chile and Peru — visa free countries for citizens of Ukraine. The visa is made only for V ZDU in Colombia. Budget guy resigned before the start of the trip, trying to stick with it.
He says the bike was chosen because this kind of transportation become the direct participant of the events along the way. It allows you to be closer to nature and people. However, Cycling has never worked and two-wheeled home has.
“My grandparents used a bike — continues the guy. One day could run over 60 miles. Sometimes brought me with him. Then I realized that the bike — a good tool for travel. So when we got to Santa Marta, Colombia, went online and purchased a Rover 75 Euro, replaced some parts and went on the road. It’s not a car, then documents are not necessary”.
A traveler carries a sleeping bag, tent, food and clothes. Daily passes from 40 to 127 kilometers. “Today is my record and the record says. — The distance that the passing of the day, really depends on the environment — the type of landscape (mountains, desert, plain), the weather (wind in the back or the front, rain or the sun), road and traffic on the road. For example, in the day when I drove only 40 miles, the road went up.”
90% of the time the guy spends the night in the tent. In the cities, enjoys services of Couchsurfing, Warmshowers. In hostels very rarely settles. Cooking to eat on the burner, says that for three and a half months of fasting he still did not have.
“Once in the Andes, in Colombia, reached the altitude of 3700 meters, — says Taras. — At this point, almost no people. Just one cabin. I opened the door grandfather. I was asked to put up a tent nearby and he offered to spend the night in the annexe. Then for a long time telling me all kinds of stories, asked about Ukraine.
Also impressed with the restaurant near desert Sechura, on the coast of Peru. Windows — hundreds of stickers from travelers. The restaurant owner collects the stories of travelers since 1990! For example, the military from UK to walk the whole world for 13 years. In the restaurant he devoted an entire album”.
Viktoriya SEREDA