During the year of application, emails, messages, pictures and more naturally accumulate on your iPhone. Want somewhere to dump all the info and erase the phone to set it up as new? Take your time. There are at least 5 ways to organize the space on the iPhone. Many of them you probably know and someone they will probably just not enabled. Look at some tricks for organizing the memory of your iPhone, and simple automation.
With millions of apps and the constant need to communicate, to work, to play and to shoot photos and video for your iPhone, it is clear that our devices are crammed with data to the maximum (especially if you have a smartphone with 64 GB or 128 GB of memory). But pictures or videos to remove no one wants, and to leave unused applications you can without any regrets.
The contents
- 1 the Automatic removal of applications
- 2 Auto delete messages
- 3 Automatically unsubscribed from the mailing list
- 4 Check the section with the vault
- 5 Screenshots is your enemy
Automatic removal of applications
To do this, Apple has included in iOS function “Unload unused”. To enable this, go to device settings, then iTunes Store and App Store and turn down the corresponding toggle switch. When the function is activated unused apps will be deleted automatically, but their data will be stored – just in case you suddenly come to restore them.
Auto delete messages
Text messages can also take quite a lot of space, especially media files, photos and videos. But you can configure them to automatically delete (especially when you consider that an important file is basically sent through the messengers). To do this, go to settings, then “Messages” and scroll down to “message History”. Change the value from “Indefinitely” to “30 days”.
Automatically unsubscribed from the mailing list
If you get a lot of emails, they also occupy space on the phone. The most effective way of dealing with unwanted emails – button “Cancel subscription” in the standard mail app on the iPhone. It works on many sites, and you won’t get a ton of unnecessary correspondence.
For some sites, you may have to scroll through to the end of the email and unsubscribe the old fashioned way. But in any case, develop the habit to unsubscribe from what you no longer need.
We offer you to subscribe to our channel in the “Yandex.Zen”. There you can find the exclusive materials that are not on the website.
Check with the store
In fact, to manage free space on the iPhone has not invented anything better than the category of “iPhone Store” in the main phone settings. Here you not only see what takes up the most space on the iPhone, but will also see smart tips about how to increase free memory. For example, to unload unused, view downloaded videos and delete them, to clean attachments in Messages, and more.
Screenshots – your enemy
Well, the truth. I, like many, most of the space on the iPhone is a folder with photos. But not to say that I take so many pictures, but the screenshots almost every day. Did you know that some screen shots are “weigh” on 8-9 megabytes? And on my iPhone more than 4 500 screenshots. Draw your own conclusions. If you also want to get rid of the unnecessary screen shots, you will find them under “screen Shots” in the Photos app.