Nov 2018 – holiday in Ukraine today and that is not possible

20 Nov 2018 honoring an icon “Migrane”. The icon depicts Mary with the baby Jesus. They say that this image embodies the fullness of motherhood. On this day the icon of treated pregnant women and young mothers. Believe that it helps ease childbirth. The Shrine also contributes to the rearing and proper education of the child.

The icon of the Mother of God “Migrane” is one of the unusual and unique. Her baby Jesus is depicted in motion, and not static, as all the images. The icon is a Byzantine copy of the same image and is considered miraculous. She often praying women who can’t conceive. You can come to a couple to pray together with my husband.

Birthday 20 Nov celebrate: Bogdan, Valerie, Eugene, Joseph, Ivan, Hilarion, Cyril, Paul, Feodor.

The Icon Of The Mother Of God “Migrane”

Folk omens on 20 November:

The ice this day indicates that this weather will last long enough.

– If the person is born on 20 November, it will be very hard-working.

– Restless cry of a crow the next day, expect snowfall.

What you can do 20 Nov:

1. Women who are expecting a child is asking the mother of God ease childbirth and health for niemowlaka.

2. Pregnant woman on this day must be especially kind and sincere, spending time in prayer and reflection about your health, then the child will be healthy and happy.

3. It is recommended that women about to give birth to only think positive and Wake up in the morning.

What not to do November 20:

1. Wagonaire this day a bad thought. All this day thinks pregnant – is transferred to the child. The thoughts must be pure and good.

2. A pregnant woman in this day not to eat between meals, because the child will be restless.

3. The woman waiting for the birth of babies you should not be lazy and spend the whole day in bed. If a pregnant woman is to sleep a lot and be lazy will be lazy.

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