5 November 2018 in honor of the Apostle James. Saint James was the son of St. Joseph. Jacob is known as the first Bishop of Jerusalem. At 63 years old he was martyred pagans threw him from the porch of the temple, and then stoned.
Since childhood, Jacob was a man especially dedicated to God. These people took vows of observance of celibacy, abstinence from wine, not eating eating meat and not sheared hair.
Birthday 5 Nov celebrate: Zahar, Alexander, Vladimir, Maxim, Nicholas, Jacob.
Folk omens on 5 November
– If 5 Nov the town, or small snow – November 22 coming this winter.
– You will get a lot of snow and will not melt – the winter will be warm.
– The rain – the year will be fruitful.
What can I do November 5
1. To complete the firewood for the winter. If you have time before that day, all winter in the house will be warm.
2. Feeding the birds bread. Supposedly, if you feed birds, the harvest next year will be great.
3. There is a lot of honey. According to legend, if a person eats a lot of honey, the next year will be successful.
What not to do 5 Nov
1. Can’t stay in debt. Give on the eve of all borrowed funds.
2. It is not necessary to sort things out, to ask for help, meet with the enemies and ill-wishers. There is a risk to provoke a conflict.
3. It is not recommended to ask for promotion or salary increases.