798 – art-zone of modern Beijing

Aurora Velez

798 – figures that have become for the residents of Beijing synonymous with modern art. Art zone 798, with buildings in the Bauhaus style is one of the most popular attractions of the Chinese capital. This centre of contemporary art in the area Denisse Chaoyang in the North-West of Beijing.

Aurora Velez, Euronews: “About 15 years ago, these huge buildings that have long been abandoned, began to turn into a gallery of art – such as, for example, this”.

The once industrial building was one of the first cultural and artistic areas of Beijing. There are hundreds of galleries, and restaurants, shops and bars.

Jia Wei, co-founder of the gallery Boers-Li: “I think young people want something new in their lives, in their thoughts. These people don’t want to be just consumers. They ask questions: “Where and why? Where are they? And why it’s art it’s so interesting?”

Once there was heard the noise of the machines, which produced electronic equipment. The factories, which were located in the area, was built by the German, Soviet and Chinese specialists. In the 90s industrial space turned into workshops of the Beijing Academy of fine arts, and now it’s an art site, which is held every year about 2,000 exhibitions.

Journalist • , Marika Dimitriadis

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