Nutrition is the basis of slender figure and beautiful taut skin. Therefore, to maintain the body in good shape, you should pay attention to several important dietary habits.
1. Do not eat or maximum limit on sugar, and limit foods with a high glycemic index, Some.
2. Limit consumption of whole milk because it contains hormones that affect sebum production.
3. Eat lots of vegetables, particularly green. Because the fiber cleanses the body – derives from toxins and wastes.
4. Drink daily 2 liters of clean water.
5. Consume protein foods (meat, fish, chicken, Turkey, eggs, seafood). After all, when lack of protein, the skin becomes thinner and loses its elasticity.
6. Eat omega-3 fatty acids, which maintain the body’s collagen (responsible for elasticity and lack of wrinkles on the skin). To maintain the beauty you can also drink collagen capsules and take vitamin D3.
7. If the skin dries and flakes – add in the diet more carbohydrates, fats and vitamin A. They can be found in red and orange fruits and vegetables.
8. To avoid facial morels will help Eat vitamin C. black currants, citrus fruits, and drink a decoction of rose hips.
9. A complex of vitamins, which is found in nuts, egg yolk, liver and brewer’s yeast can help to avoid long-lasting excitation of nerve centers and muscle tissue.
What is the glycemic index? This is an indicator that shows the speed with which a product is broken down in the body and converted into glucose — the main source of energy. The faster cleaved product, the higher its glycemic index. The standard was adopted glucose, the glycemic index which is 100. This is an important indicator, which take into account in the preparation of diets for people with diabetes and overweight.
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