Category Archives: Uncategorized

10 compulsory examinations, which should make every man

If you don’t want to get sick, the list of tasks that you must perform, the number one place medical examination, mandatory for your age. Such surveys help to detect diseases at early stages when they are easier to cure, the website “Iliaktida”. The age at which you should begin to pass regular examinations, may […]

10 best foods to protect against dementia

The development of dementia closely associated with the destruction of brain cells, while a nutrient is able to make the neurons stronger and protect from degradation. What products are the best fighters against dementia processes, writes portal Oily fish. Salmon, herring, tuna, trout, mackerel, sardines contain lots of omega-3 fatty acids. Enough receiving body […]

10 beauty gadgets that will change your care

We always strive to make easier for our beauty treatments: skin care, hair styling or applying makeup. Fortunately, there are lots of ingenious gadgets designed just for that purpose. SPLETNIK.RU made a list of the coolest new products that you should pay attention in 2019, starting in home light therapy for acne and ending automatic […]

$1 million to anyone who can find the hackers who conducted the attack on Twitter accounts Mask, Bezos, bill gates and others

Wednesday, July 15, dozens of Twitter accounts since October to powerful individuals, technology companies, politicians and celebrities, was broken by hackers. Accounts have been published of the famous cryptocurrency Scam, which promised to increase the money of every person who will send a bitcoin (Bitcoin, VTS) at a specific address. Twitter said that this problem […]

1.2 TB of user data from the database 6 free VPN services was leaked

Service command vpnMentor, specializing in the study of VPN services, reported that the database six free services VPN was leaked. 1.2 TB of user data 1 083 997 361 records, including e-mail addresses, IP addresses, home addresses, unencrypted passwords, device information, information on payments was in the public domain. Experts vpnMentor note that all of […]