Category Archives: Uncategorized

Ukrainian 76 movies have already filmed, 72 – in work

Thanks to the initiative support the development of Ukrainian cinema in the country removed more and more quality movies. This was said by Prime Minister Vladimir Groisman during a visit to filming the adventure film “Shevchenko: first samurai”, according to Government portal. “Ukraine is developing a whole industry of filmmaking. There is a large cohort […]

10 symptoms that warn of a possible cardiac arrest

Chest pain or shoulder, nausea, unhealthy complexion. Experts say that asymptomatic death from cardiac arrest does not happen, the main thing is to identify these symptoms. Cardiologists from the clinic of cardiovascular diseases in palm beach (USA) reported that the majority of victims of sudden cardiac arrest received before event warning signals. Doctors told what […]

10 most unusual libraries in the world of all time, slideshow – 24 Channel

Ukrainian day BTC is celebrated annually on September 30. Today in Ukraine there are about 40 thousand libraries, and the number of readers of the Ukrainians, who visit them, is only 17 thousand. We offer you to learn about the 10 most unusual and ancient libraries in the world, which is visited by thousands of […]

the oldest method of healing the body

Ayurvedic science says that the human body is affected by three main elements: Vata is responsible for proper breathing, Kafa, whose area of responsibility the strength and vitality of the body, and Pitta, which controls metabolism. Morning Tongue cleaning: 30 seconds After brushing, use a special tool (or just the side of the spoon) for […]